Thanks Y'all! The feedback is super gratifying and is motivating me to get finished on one I just shot on a camping trip where I tried Lobster Tom Kha soup (it was amazing)
Originally Posted by Oolie
I know we share some interests in other aspects of cooking, but I'm also a big fan of the natural process hambela! My favorite for single origin espresso.
Do you have a sous vide? you can really up the espresso game with one if you do.
As far as finger limes and exotic fruits are concerned, most grow fantastically here, I have a good collection going if you want passiflora cuttings or other fruit propagation materials, just gotta keep from spreading the HLB around with citrus.
Either way, I look forward to all the sharing of ideas!
When corona subsides you're going to have to find your way over to Japan for some coffee.
Hahaha nice to see someone who recognizes *good* coffee! A lot of my friends, even ones with a decent amount of disposable income and good taste in food, it's all I can do to convince them to stop using tap water and dark roast from Starbucks

... Not to begrudge anyone their cup of sludge. Some of my fondest memories were in the hunting trailer growing up, mixing equal parts white sugar and folgers instant.
Funny enough I got a sous vide as a wedding present and haven't even taken it out of the box because I'm so short on kitchen/storage space. I'll have to look into this
I actually have a lemon tree in my yard that is doing surprisingly well since I finally got around to giving it a proper trimming and feeding... I appreciate that offer and might take you up on that... Lemme see if I can keep a few other cuttings alive for a little while... My green thumb needs help.

There's a guy on Instagram I follow who's amazing with his catch, and *loves* putting his fresh yuzu to use.
Agreed on Japan as well! My wife and I checked out Tokyo about 2 years back... We spent a lot of time near tsukiji, and absolutely loved it.
Originally Posted by jlabs63
Awesome video. Can you share some of those recipes?
Actually I'd never thought of doing so! So much of what I'm doing is usually compositing several ideas and roughing the portions (you might be able to tell how much I hate baking from that statement

).... But that's actually a good impetus for me to start writing these out as I do. LMK if there's anything in particular you want to see or know more about!