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Old 11-05-2020, 12:02 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 311
I know we share some interests in other aspects of cooking, but I'm also a big fan of the natural process hambela! My favorite for single origin espresso.

Do you have a sous vide? you can really up the espresso game with one if you do.

As far as finger limes and exotic fruits are concerned, most grow fantastically here, I have a good collection going if you want passiflora cuttings or other fruit propagation materials, just gotta keep from spreading the HLB around with citrus.

Either way, I look forward to all the sharing of ideas!

When corona subsides you're going to have to find your way over to Japan for some coffee.
Originally Posted by Matt
To those that share thank you, to those that don't fine by me, to those that whine about people not posting but have no fish reports of their own to share..............GO FISH!!!!!!
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