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Old 09-14-2020, 06:23 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 434
Originally Posted by mrlar13 View Post
I see you or your buddy has a Hobie Passport like I recently got. So far OK with it. Was a little concerned about the rounded bow vs sharp but not any big issues so far and saved me a few $$. Good to see the action is heating up at LJ.
Yeah the passport is mine! The rounded hull has never been an issue for me other than bogging down a bit at top speed. But I rarely ever get splashed over the bow in normal to less-than-fair conditions. I've been out is some pretty extreme conditions in it and it got me back to shore just fine! My buddy's Outback cuts through water well and the hull shape offers less resistance, but he definitely gets splashed a LOT easier when we're cruising side-by-side. I've taken this thing out at least 1-2 times a week since getting it early in the year and still don't regret it. Biggest downsides: Limited hull-storage, the rudder system is not great and has failed on me a few occasions, putting me in some dangerous situations near rocks, the seat could be improved a bit and the hull material isn't as heavy-duty as pricier kayaks. Some day I'll upgrade probably, but for now it's like driving a base-model Honda vs. a new Mercedes. Sure, they can both get you to where you're going, but the Mercedes is gonna have a lot more features and be a lot more comfortable while getting there! But saving about half the cost allowed me to invest in a lot of other add-ons that would've hurt the bank a lot more if it was on top of a PA or OB...
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