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Old 07-22-2020, 02:29 PM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 347
First off Kudos to you for going to help. Yeah Hobie makes terrible kayaks lmfao. Sorry but that guy was lucky to have good people on kayaks help him out or he would have possibly died. Come on NO PFD? Shit I have one on board, do I always wear it no, but if the weather is a little rough its being worn. He was probably told that the PA is stable enough to stand on, well yes it is and so is my Outback but not in shit water! Sounds like he learned his lesson so be on the look out on craigslist for a one time used PA for sale. This guy is probably gonna give it away. And one more thing, please practice getting on board at least ONCE! Do it close to launch, wear your PFD and preferred have a buddy watch as you try. To some it will be easy and to others not so much which is why the practice...Weather is warm, water is warm get wet already! Ok enough venting.
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