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Old 07-14-2020, 09:52 AM   #11
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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I have watched and learned from the professional Opaleye hunters who come to the Mole and Catalina to catch Opaleye.

In fact to a point that they kept every one and way over-limit. That made me get permission from the Harbor Master to post F&W regulations at the Mole and the pier. Don't think they looked at it.

They would use a moss called "pare" in Korean. They would also use peas and chum peas with some black seeds.

I copied them to a point of buying similar telescopic 18 feet rod, telescopic net, etc.

I had problem with keeping the moss on the hook.

Now I use peas and chum with peas and bread crumbs. I have also tried green plastic eggs with peas.
Will have to give the pea soup trick a try.

By the way, there must be value in paying $77.00 for the ferry to go to Catalina for Opaleye.

I heard in Korea, it cost $150.00 a plate for Opaleye. Not sure if I believe it, but that is what I heard.
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