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Old 07-10-2020, 01:23 PM   #19
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Thanks for digging this one up, y'all.
I actually finally got around to trying RAT beach for a quick dive down at Flat rock point.

I hate 1) the hike down from the north entry (you have to basically hands and knees climb in your wetsuit with your gun, fins, and weight belt on) and 2) the long swim from the easy flat trail down in bluff cove.

I was hoping it'd make more sense to wheel a kayak down the hill. I'd say it works if it's just one trip with very light gear. I took my scupper pro down there. I was also pretty stunned by how that break is the worst of both worlds. It's loooooong and even on a small day, pretty punchy.

Plus the final 1/4 of the road going down isn't really road. Coming back up, even with wheels on a small, light kayak.... Barely worth it, considering you still have a decent paddle to get to the point.

In retrospect, I think I'll be sticking with the climb or making friends with a boat, or maybe saving up for a little scout to take out of King's.
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