Thread: DP 06-28 report
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Old 06-29-2020, 09:24 AM   #1
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DP 06-28 report

Weather: Cool, cloudy, some drizzle, fairly breezy with about a one foot chop, no whitecaps though.

Bait: Extra large sardines, fair condition.

Water: Kind of cloudy, dirty. 67.5-69.7 degrees, choppy.

Fishing: Slowish

So I took out my new 360 for it's maiden voyage. Handled the water just fine. And while I didn't think I would use the 360 much that feature ended up being kind of handy. Whenever I got stuck on some rocks instead of having to peddle for a few yards to gain steering traction I was able to just turn on a dime. Trolled for a while with no love. Hit a few spots, again with no love. Finally headed in towards the beach. Two short halibut, short Sandy and my PB Calico later, headed in.
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So long and thanks for all the fish...
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