They are almost here. It's been a very long over 2 months waiting. I, like some started looking at this thread when it first went up. I already had an interest in the Solo Skiff, after having fished LJ with a Solo out there moving from spot to spot and wished I could cover so much water in minutes that would take me all day. After re-posting my2016 Hobie Revo 13 on Craig's and it selling in two days, I now had the money to start the process. I called Brent at OEX San Diego and put in my deposit. I got in early on the wait list that has grown at what I think is a crazy for just one dealer. Now this thread has over 5300 views. AWESOME The inputs and banter on this thread has the feeling off the old days of fun and fish catch posts. What's different is this doesn't even have any fish porn posted on the thread.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids  )