Thanks for posting the picture. Boy I miss this lake (afterbay). So many memories of big fish and Stripers in the main lake. I don’t even have any pictures of the Lagoon or main lake! 😳🥺🥺 It’s been two years since i moved up here to NorCal and have had to learn how to fish new unfamiliar water, I was so used to fishing Castaic most of the time (after about 40 years) I forgot how to approach a new lake!
I really shouldn’t complain too much though, I exchanged one big fish water (Castaic) for another (Clear Lake) and a few others which are closer than when I lived in Santa Clarita (Canyon Country). There was only Piru and Pyramid close by (aside from Castaic), up here I also have Berryessa, Comanche, Malone’s, Bullard Bar and the Delta!
I have to make a trip back down south when I get a chance though, once I get my cross country touring travel trailer.
Thanks for the post, it was nice to see the pretty old watershed 😍 ❣️❣️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Next time might I suggest the west side from the lifeguard office cove to the U.C.L.A boat dock.the shallow area over by the swim beach can be good in the morning (if they still allow fishing near the area). Also just north of the fishing pier there are a set of tules that stretch across the shore area that can produce if you cast parallel. I’ve always had success with a lipless bait from post spawn through summer early in the day and 6” Roboworms in Aaron’s magic, margarita mutilator, light oxblood.