I was the guy that went out just after you flipped on the tandem island. Hardly comparable to a regular yak, but I've done both and always make a note of when i would have flipped in a regular yak and that day wasn't one of them.
Same as what the others have said - timing is everything and I have spent 40 minutes trying to find a window a few times.
I also do what YakDout does - stand in thigh deep water waiting for the window the drive loaded. Jump in, keep it straight and sprint like Cavendish until you are out.
Coming in - same business. I watch the waves crashing the beach and try to make note of how it looks when the big wave crashes and sprint like hell until in 3' of water and pull the drive out. If you are moving fast enough, you will just surf whatever white wash is left. (is "white wash" still politically correct?

I came in that day standing on the bow holding my mast like i was Moana - probably my best landing

Originally Posted by YakDout
I always launch and land with drive in. But I don’t run it up on the beach with the drive in, I jump out and pull the drive in 2-3’ of water. It’s way faster using the drive than the paddle, and seconds can make the difference if surfs up. When I launch I walk out in the same depth water, plug in drive hop in and crush through the surf as fast as possible. Still yet to yard sale.
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