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Old 05-21-2020, 08:22 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Orange County
Posts: 240
La Jolla - Flipping Kayaks :)

I did not think flipping ones kayak on a moderate surf launch was as common as it actually is. But then, I have only performed a couple of these tricky but exciting en-devours so far. Most of my launches are from landings or harbors.

We launched from La Jolla Shores this morning with a menacing 3-3.5 ft surf, certainly more than I was expecting. We went for it, but my nephew took a few spills trying to get past the break. It was his first beach launch so I'd say he did pretty good. We saw about 40% of our fellow kayakers flip on the launch or landing that day. Happy to say I made it in and out this time around without flipping but I was basically as wet as had I took the plung.

I had all my gear stowed for the landing but it made me think that launching in other than pristine conditions might require better insurance measures, especially after reading that guys post a week or two back saying how he lost his drive and seat among other things (ouch). Fortunately my nephew actually fell out of the kayak on the launch and did not flip over the kayak. In any case I always have my poles leased no matter what so nothing was lost.

Check out this funny video I took of these two guys coming in after us.

As for the fishing, that was another story all together. I spoke to a guy that seemed to be a regular there and he and a friend were drifting with live bait for WSB and YT but came up empty. That was the plan I had as well, but as I was making my way out I started noticing the rather steep swells and sort intervals (forcaste was for 2-3 ft but man it looked bigger than that). After a little while I started getting really sea sick. I did not loose my breakfast but almost hopped that I would and possibly relieve the lousy nauseated feelings I had.

I have often said to myself, "what are these guys talking about when they say they had to come in because they were sea sick...who in the heck gets sea sick on their kayak?". Well now I know. It can be bad. I guess it was just a bad day for me or those short interval swells today just got me in a bad way. In any case I did not even attempt to fish I felt so lousy. It took everything I could to to keep my nephew fishing and helping him make bait, fix tangles, etc. In the end he made his own bait for the first time and managed a few calicos, a white fish and some other misc catches.

In the end it was a great day as I learned a lot about surf launches and was able to spend some fun time with my nephew on the water.
David P

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