had to do it.

. but on a serious note, when I was a kid fishing with my pops in a rented skiff from paradise cove we came across a blue shark that was bigger than the skiff. my uncle had hooked a seagull while casting live bait, and after getting the bird untangled, well lets say the bird was badly injured. my uncle released him where he sat atop the water for not very long. before we knew it, the bird was gone atop the water and then the blue started circling the built in bait tank in the center of the skiff. that being said, this is the ocean. you kayak long enough and you will come across lots of amazing things. whites are more common in my opinion and I have encountered one being aggressive with my bait tube. during the 2014 squid bite, an adult female white was snagged in the net which I would estimate to be over 14'. I am sure, plenty of guys will jump in on this one.