This time of year is usually the best. For the last couple years things have not been the norm. I usually have had the best La Jolla fishing from September through May, then it's slower during the summer. Could be it started after the 2017 summer that the water got extra warm. We had more exotics coming in close to shore easily within kayak range. There was Tuna, Dorados, lots of Yellowtail and even several Hammerheads sharks. After that summer the kelp started to die off and even though in the last couple years some has come back, it is a tiny amount compared to what we had. It is an important factor for an environment for bait fish and structure that supports all the species necessary for healthy fish habitat. The result has been extremely slow fishing and days were you can't even make live bait. There are still fish in the area but not in the numbers and they tend to move around more. The huge numbers of red crabs have not helped, since the fish are constantly full or red crabs. It seems every Calico or rock fish I have pulled up pukes up nothing but red crabs. Many days it's been about being at the right place at the right time to get that lucky strike from a big trophy fish. One of my last trips I went into the shallow area of the kelp looking for bait and was shocked at how bare the kelp forest was when you go inside the edges. It used to be on the surface and it took some looking to find openings in the thick kelp. Could not find any thick kelp. Just like anything eventually thing will get back to what used to be the norm. I still go as much as I can because it's not just the fishing, It's about enjoying the time on the water and being able to see the wild life there, drink some beers and enjoy the time away from all the BS we all have in our lives and get a little exercise. Can't beat a day out on the ocean in front of La Jolla.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids  )