Originally Posted by lamb
Thanks for sharing. I dig your blog! You enthusiasm and excitement for the sport on your quest to discover and learn is contagious 
This is quite a trip you pulled off there - especially for rockfish.
Please forgive me, not trying to be smart ass - just a brotherly advice, as I don't know how experienced you are: be extremely careful with these kinds of long range trips. Keep an eye on the forecast, pick your days carefully. Make sure there is no Santa Ana in the forecast.
The drop off/deep blue is less then 1/4 mile W from where you were. I've caught or seen yt, bluefin, dorado, yellowin, even wahoo few years back caught right there. Not to say there are there all the time. But there are days in the summer/fall when they are. Those are the days big game hookup craving would justify such a lengthy trip on a yak, at least for me.
For rockfish, there is simply no need. You can find them much closer in. 
You're definitely not being a smart ass. It's a long ways from shore, and I know things can get rough if the wind picks up. I've been choosing my days carefully, making sure the forecast doesn't show anything over 10 mph wind. However, if the forecast changes after I launch, I could get into trouble. I've been meaning to set an alarm on my phone for around 10am to check if the afternoon forecast has changed. It would be a good habit to get into.
My next long paddle will be between 20 and 25 miles, but I think I'll stay closer to shore to do it. Maybe launch from La Jolla and go north to the south end of Swami's SMCA and back. That way I'll be closer to shore and/or other boats if anything were to happen.
And yeah, haha, I know there are closer rockfish to be had. The edge of LJ Canyon once you're past the MLPA is 2 miles from the launch, and you can target 300-400 ft pretty easily. This trip was specifically to get the miles in, and I used rock piles to break it up and get some fishing in.
I'm excited for this summer! I've caught a grand total of one yellowfin, and it was five years ago. Same for skipjacks. And I still haven't caught a yellowtail that isn't so small that I'm embarrassed to post the pic.