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Old 10-03-2019, 10:28 PM   #8
Amish Ed
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Location: Grants Pass, OR
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Nice ride you have and getting it from Andy is a great choice too. As far as setups and baits? Light line, like 6-12lb. There will be no water movement, so the bite will most likely be tough. I'll be fishing 3/8 lead heads and 4-5" slender profile baits. A 3" could be good too. Colors? Baitfish patterns in medium to light/clear colors. Reds, browns, and oranges. And white and/or chartreuse.

For the head and bait styles. I use Warbaits Slayer heads, Coolbaits Down Under Spin, and Caivo underspins. Bait styles are varied: creature baits, swimbaits, grubs, flukes, and even a couple worms.

Scent can make a big difference too. I use Hot Sauce, Uni Butter is good, as well as the Pro-cure scents.

That's what i use. Whatever you have that seems to fit, bring it.

I don't use live or dead bait for bass, but both shrimp and squid work. I'd probably give the nod to shrimp.
Amish Ed
You can't catch it again if it's dead!
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