SO here we started in Lost Wages for a Family birthday party. Vegas is not my kind of town so Off to Jackson hole.
We hiked for two days and my wife knees where hurting, she said maybe you could fish 1/2 a day..
West side Anglers said they had a guide the next day available, so we did it.
I landed 10 Cutthroat Trout and missed 2-- 18 inchers in a big foam salmon fly.

A great day to be on new waters.
Then we drove to Cody for the night Rodeo, and next day the Little BigHorn battle field.
On To our lodge and Fishing the Bighorn with Jeremy our guide. I have not been there in 8 years.

I landed 3 nice Rainbows on nymphs and then the HOPPER came out in the afternoon.
landed 4 nice browns on the hopper! What a great day on the Bighorn!
Back to Cody for the Wild West Museum. And Yellowstone for 4 days.
The last day I tried the Madison river on my own and landed 4 mountain white fish on drys and had a 16 inch brown break me off on a nymph.
Wow what great trip. If you have never been to Yellowstone plan your trip now!!!!!!
Mark F>