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Old 08-04-2019, 08:54 AM   #2
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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Below are some answers to some questions that was asked by a volunteer on another website. It may help answer questions here too.
Thank you for your offer.
The event is organized by SD Fishing Council. They have it all setup. I am there to help.
Our first task would be to make bait bags. After the derby starts, we handout bags to the kids. After that one person will stay at “bait station” while others help with judging (making sure rules are followed) and scoring the cards. We also help with rigs if asked.

You do not need to bring anything, but some personal items if you wish.
Here is a short list:
A camping chair---line cutter---pen---wide brim hat—sunglasses---food only if you have special diet.

Delicious fish tacos, soft drinks, chips and candy will be provided for kids and volunteers.

I caution you though---Once you do it, you may become addicted. I think this would be my 10th or so.

I will have an “Easy up” set up at the cutting board close to foot of the pier.
All are welcome to join us. Nothing needed to sign up for the derby as long as age requirement are met.
Parents can help young angler with every aspect, except reeling in the fish. No one goes home empty handed.

Last edited by Mahigeer; 08-04-2019 at 01:50 PM.
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