August 19-23 I'm hosting a kayak fishing trip down to Cedros Island with The trip is limited to 5 anglers, and there are 2 spots left. We'll get 4 full days of fishing from kayaks or the panga if anglers prefer and we'll be focusing on calicos, yellowtail and white seabass and one day on pelagics. There is often bi-catch of halibut, broomtail grouper, thresher shark, bonita, barracuda, sheepshead, etc. If someone really wants to focus in on a species we'll make it happen. The last week or so Jeff Mariani, the owner of has been catching white seabass up to 61lbs on soft plastics and bass gear, sometimes sight casting to the fish.
Big yellowtail live at this island and its not uncommon to find fish in the 35-50 pound range that eat lures very well. We've had plenty of calicos over the 8 pound mark with some days producing plenty in the 4-6 pound range. There are some 10+ pounders that inhabit the island. If we get lucky, a broomtail from a kayak is always great fun and we've caught them up to 108 pounds... Honestly this is a trip of a lifetime and will be fun! Don't come on this trip if you don't like having fun

Right now it's Howie Strech from Hobie, the famous Johnny Ceviche and me.
One really special thing we will do on this trip is a day out to Benitos island where we'll target wahoo from the kayaks first thing in the morning. We've hooked a few in past trips but haven't landed one on the kayaks yet. I feel like we have the wahoo fishing down now and we will stand a good chance of whacking them! At benitos we've also caught yellowfin tuna, dorado and of course plenty of yellows and calicos. Yellowfin and dorado can be caught right off of Cedros too...
We fly in to Cedros from Temecula, CA and home to Temecula so there is no driving over the border. The cost of the trip covers transport and airfare, 4 days of fishing, all meals and accommodation on the island (own room with air conditioning), all fishing on 2019 Hobie Outbacks and/or boats.
If you are a fun person who likes to fish and wants to have the opportunity at catching some awesome fish, please join us. Drinking some nice cold beers and eating great food at the end of the day is also part of the experience. The cost per person for everything is $2,600. If you divide that price up between everything that's included it's a relatively cheap way to have an experience of a lifetime. Of course I'll be there to help you and make sure you have the best chance at catching fish. The crew at Cedros Kayak Fishing put forth a first class effort. Please reach out to me if you'd like to take 1 or both spots. Email is best: Check out the website for images of fish, meals and accommodations.
Morgan Promnitz