Thread: Bixpy Jet...
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Old 07-07-2019, 04:05 PM   #30
Saba Slayer
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I liked the system so much I bought a second motor and battery for my other PA 14...I'm sold...LOL...
Definitely, "well worth the money"!
Best motor system I've used in the last 10 years...some say the Torquedo is a better motor and battery ("a rocket ship built to go to the post office")...but for the money, you can't go wrong with Bixpy
They are in San Diego so it only takes a few days to do a turnaround on service if you need it send it in for any reason...I just received my battery after a circuit board update to allow a separation of controllers for multiple motors...
Battery life is great and it's really easy to learn to use the motor more judiciously the longer you have the system...Using any of the electric motors at top speed will run that battery down you tend to learn how to best use the speed and save your batteries.
The variety of options for connecting to the Hobie's and various water craft is pretty cool...
Durability is pretty good...just a couple small issues that were resolved easily......their service is Excellent and Fast...
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Jim / Saba Slayer

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