For Sale 2012 Hobie Revolution 13 Dune color.
Comes with:
1. Lowrance Elite 4HDI with Transducer, Power Cord and Battery.
2. Hobie Seat with inflatable lumbar support pad.
3. Hobie V2 Peddle Drives with Standard fins.
4. Hobie Drive Cassette Plug.
5. Hobie 8" Gear Bucket with Lid.
6. Kayak Paddle.
7. One PFD.
8. One Scotty base.
9. Two 1" RAM Ball bases.
10. 4' Bamboo Gaff.
11. DIY Bait Tank with Rod Holders
12. Hobie Rear Bungee Cord.
13. PVC Kayak Stand.
14. Hobie Thru Hull Three Way Plug in Left Map Pocket and extra inserts.
15. Crate with three ABS Rod Holders. (Not Pictured.)
$1500.00 O.B.O.

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