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Old 12-17-2018, 09:03 PM   #10
Amish Ed
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Originally Posted by CaliHalikiller View Post
I'm currently looking for a new kayak thinking sticking with OK but Hobies seem way more comfortable so my question is how do you store your rods while surf launching I mostly surf launch when I fish malibu Leo county line any suggestions on model to look at
I would definitely look at the new OK Tridents. They paddle really well, and I've heard are good in the surf too. I know every OK kayak I've had, that I took in the surf, handled it well. I never took my Trident in the surf, but I loved it. Only problem was the weight capacity for me and the seat pan. The new seats seats have solved the latter. I need to work on the former.

Wilderness has some good paddling kayaks too (I paddle a Ride 135). But, someone else will have to chime in on how they perform in the surf. I know I won't take the Ride in the surf though.
Amish Ed
You can't catch it again if it's dead!
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