Originally Posted by Saba Slayer
The bad news...
It seems like the commercial guys are also getting areas opened up to them for their horrible fishing practices...trawls and longlines...  "Hook and line" and "traps" I can live with.
And they get increased quotas...a couple increases that are over 100%.
As Dr Lowe says...incremental increases would be better than 100% or more...!
How close can they come now? I saw the research document and I am not sure. My understanding is they opened up 3000 square miles.
Also, Do commercial fishermen go after Sculpin?
This is only for discussion. There is nothing we can do about it. I would not start a business counting on this fishery being available.
Also, a fellow kayaker mentioned a DFW warden told them they could keep 1 Canary rockfish. I found out this was since March. I think it will be 2 next year.