Originally Posted by Saba Slayer
Good Job on the Bones...I hope you spiked, bled and iced em quickly....
Try to "match the hatch" to get more fish next time... 
Most of the Bones I've been catching have been on either of these style and color
lures or the daisy chain...the fish are keyed on the small anchovies for the last few weeks and most are spitting up these small baits when they come on deck.
My last limit had a couple of fish that had fresh squid in them too but for the most part it seems to be small Chovies that I'm finding inside them.
I've never found the Red and White Rapalla to work for me...I prefer the Sardine, B/W, or Purple to troll for Tuna or Bones.
Hey Jim, thanks for the report last week, always appreciate your report and photos. I caught the other on a blue mack pattern rapala but had no luck on the anchovy pattern jigs I was tossing.ill give your lures a shot next time.
I did spike, bleed and ice them immediately. I carried a Coleman cooler with ice and sea water that had them chilled quickly. Benefits of having a tandem kayak and fishing alone!
Turned one of them into tuna pasta salad after a quick brine and grilling.