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Old 10-15-2018, 03:46 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by TJones View Post
Lets see if the Sewer Boys will get this party started? Jorge? When fishing for yellows, practice counting one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three when you start your day and through out. Minimal 3-4 second count is what I would recommend. Do not down play the Carolina rig. When taking a break from paddling / trolling and you are drifting or standing by idle, this is a great go to rig. Keep the sibiki taught. When you get a hit wind very slowly and others will follow suit. Do not just dead stick the sibiki waiting for it to load up with more baits after your initial hook up. You will have a cluster hump every time.

I use circle hooks 99.99% of the time so I rarely if ever need to set a hook and because I usually fish with a sinker on my line I always have my drag pre-set. it's rare that I fly-line but if I do I set the drag with just enough tension to allow the bait to run if it needs to and also allow the fish that is taking the bait to run. If my clicker goes off on my fly-line rod it usually takes 3-5 seconds before I can grab the rod out of the rod holder, set the drag and set the hook. I don't sit there and count, I just follow the same sequence of events and set the hook.

As far as my sabiki rods goes................only dead stick your sabiki rod if you want to spend the next 15minutes untangling your shit.
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