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Old 10-10-2018, 10:47 PM   #20
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: rancho bernardo
Posts: 66
Ok guys, moving on here. I am looking to kayak fish La Jolla in the next couple weeks with a somewhat experienced friend/coworker. I am in need of a more substantial pole to fish the kelp beds. He has recommended okuma PCH 8 ft. 20-50 lb rod with penn squall levelwind 20 reel. I would use 30 lb mono on this for starters I believe. A couple questions.

Do you think 7 ft. ok for most kayak fishing? This fits more manageably in my car.

Is it better to have star or lever drag on this type of setup/fishing on a kayak?

I am thinking to minimize $$$ and get either Penn Rival Levelwind combo ($80!!) or Penn Squal Levelwind Combo (~$160). If the interest sticks I would upgrade and let my son use these reduced cost setups. Do you think they are good enough? Is okuma rod really worth the dough? I saw it in turners outdoorsman earlier and it is very nice with carbon fiber showing however I am all about function not aesthetics.

thanks as always
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