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Old 10-04-2018, 11:21 AM   #16
Hunters Pa
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Originally Posted by kevbeer View Post
I will look into those events, thanks

My question remains, is the (10 ft) Native Slayer Propel 10 (pedal kayak) considered open ocean worthy? Or barely capable? Seems substantially wider and beefier than my 10 ft cheapo kayak.

guys--I am really listening to all the input, please don't mark me an ignorant dummy. I have been your shoes in the mountain bike forums, where some new guy comes in asking about expensive carbon fiber full suspension bikes before he has even been on a single trail ride. That being said, don't be offended if I continue to ask dumb questions.
You are asking solid questions. There are plenty of smarta$$es here (not saying anything about anyone in particular) that will give you crap, but we were all there, getting our first kayak and starting out.

It is likely open ocean worthy, if you develop the time on the water and skills to make it so and are reasonable about your expectations. Don't load it down like you would a PA14, don't go out in iffy conditions. Don't expect to keep up with something longer and sleeker.

If it gets you on the water then use it. But check out different models before buying your next one. If you plan on keeping this then get something that meets needs that this one does not.
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