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Old 09-20-2018, 12:46 PM   #84
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 323
In life, one may know a man by his words and deeds, his handshake and his smile. In passing, these measures disappear, and are not for consideration of those who did not know him in his days.

As such, we may only know him in the love and grief of friends and family, the good works he leaves behind, and the nature and spirit of those who mourn his passing. By these measures, never having had the privilege of meeting him, it is clear that Dave was an exceptional individual.

We grieve, not only for the loss and suffering of those that knew him, but also for the community, any time one of its members falls away. We are weakened by his absence and strengthened in our unity of grief, a final gift from a kind soul.

John, may your family's suffering be no more than is necessary to honor Dave, and may his memories and gifts remain as blessings in your lives.
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