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Old 09-02-2018, 07:39 AM   #7
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 1,906
Good morning members,

Well since there were a lot of suggestions here to skip San Felipe (SF) for fishing and go south, I did some further thinking about it.
It seems that if the travel times work out per Google Maps, we should be in (SF) around 9:00 AM or so.

Hotel check-in is at 3:00 PM, so we have (6) hours before checking in to our rooms. And about (10) hours of daylight for fishing and travel.

Therefore, we can keep going south to visit Mako-ville and Alfonsino’s. We can do some fishing there from surf and enjoy some meals and drinks. Then back track to (SF) to stay for the night.

The next day we can keep going south toward Coco’s Corner and Bahia Asuncion (BA) without stops at Mako-ville and Alfonsino’s as previously planned. This also gives us a little more assurance that we arrive during daylight at (BA).

The only drawback is traveling the rough (per my last experience) 74 KM or so of the road south of (SF).
We would be traveling that road three times, plus the once on return. We can fish the Alfonsino’s on the way to US too on the 11th.
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