Thread: DP 08-19
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:40 AM   #1
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DP 08-19

Took the kayak out of Dana Point last Sunday. Water temp was 75.2, fairly dirty but not brown. Bait from the receiver was excellent in both size and liveliness.

Got a late start, out the harbor at around 12pm, headed south. Not much going on there, just a couple of bites from tail biters. Headed out to deeper water and got smacked by a 5' leopard shark on my mini rod/reel combo. Just so you know, it's been an objective of mine to land a decent sized fish in the mini for awhile. Fought the Leo for awhile, getting it up to the kayak several times but it would take off again. Got it tangled up with my other line, which got tangled on the rudder. Got ready to gaff it and it took off once again, the line broke. Almost....

Around 6pm the bite turned on out in the deeper water. caught several calicos, mostly too small, and a triggerfish. That one is a little off course. Also got a keeper bass on the mini....

Not a record day but not bad either.
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So long and thanks for all the fish...
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