Thread: Spineless......
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Old 08-22-2018, 05:31 AM   #2
Sea Hunter
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After stripping off, all the old guides .....

And cutting the rod in im checking the rod for the spine by bending and rolling it .all the sudden I hear a snap offense mom.the second half of the rod brakes about 8ins from the tip.....when rapping a rod you want the spine up for spinning rods and the spine down for conventional reels.well after thinking about moving the tip down...i decided I don't like the action so I think to my self how can I fix this I got nothing to loose now...if it brakes I can always move the tip down just cut and glue a new tip on when im fishing glue stick cigar lighter. So I put a stainless steel rod in side 1/16 with plenty of 2part epoxy...and call it done can't wait to fight a fish and see.i did put an extra rap of thread and flexcoat tho on the joint
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Duke Mitchell
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