Thread: La jolla help!
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Old 08-13-2018, 05:33 PM   #8
Mr. NiceGuy
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Without knowing your own favorite places based on your own fishing style and experience over time, I think a good approach would be to head out past the protected area, then follow the outside edge of the kelp southwest.

Try near the kelp, but not so close that you waste time tangling. If you have a fish finder, that might be around 65' or so. Try that for awhile, or go out a little deeper and follow some depth lines - 100' or 125' for example. That will take you through some areas of general potential. If there are schools of fish roaming the area you can also head north toward the canyon and go out deeper. If you see the birds hitting the water, head that direction.

If you do not have much experience kayaking in the ocean I think it's probably better not to stray too far from your launch point, unless you are acclimated to traveling more miles in your kayak. Check forecast weather reports for surf heights, wind and currents.

Look at the contours on this map and you will see what I mean. It's easy to choose a depth and follow it without knowing where you are relative to visual landmarks and perspective that you will quickly learn as you go out and look around. You can see how 100-125' is a good line to follow along the kelp. It's a place to start and it's a point of reference. Adjust from there according to where you get bites or what other activity you see.

Take some backup squid and lures in case you don't catch live bait.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

Another ho-hum day in Paradise

Last edited by Mr. NiceGuy; 08-13-2018 at 05:45 PM.
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