Thread: Sierra Report
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Old 07-30-2018, 01:57 PM   #1
Saba Slayer
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Sierra Report

Did a short 6 day trip last week to Sliver Lake and Trumbell Lake...

Had to stop at Meadow Farms for some smoked bacon for breakfast and Louisiana hot links for the Crawdad boil.

We camped for one night at Silver Lake to drop a few traps for an overnight soak to catch some crawdads for a couple of dinners at Trumbull Lake. Pretty heavy thunderstorm rolled in so I had to haul ass to get those traps in before the lightening came over.

We caught about 150 crawfish for a Louisiana style boil and hoped to save a few for a Udon noodle soup with all the fixings.

Trumbull lake was our destination for the next few days till Saturday.

Trumbull Lakes campground and and the Virginia Lakes Resort are at 9,700' so it's one of the higher drive-to resorts in the Eastern Sierras.
The campground and surrounding areas are filled with Lodgepole Pines and Aspens at that altitude.
Both Trumbull and the two Virgina Lakes are relatively small lakes with lots of stocking from the DFW, the Resort and the Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation.

As usual the crawdad boil was a hit and we fed 10 people...

I worked at trying to get some photos for Bixpy with their new motor...
I'll try again with all that I learned on my next trip later this month.

I really got lucky and fell into some great fish the first day...I had two 4 pounders like this beauty...and lots of stockers released...

Paul and his brother Jerry caught two 4 pounders and a 5 pound fish.
All these fish were stocked and tagged by the Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation so we returned all 4 tags to Ken's Sporting Goods in Bridgeport.

That fish was like Salmon...Oily and Pink meat that was great on the grill with some cherry and mountain mahogany mixed with the coals...

It was pretty damn good smoked too.
I need a bigger net...LOL

Jim / Saba Slayer

Last edited by Saba Slayer; 07-30-2018 at 03:47 PM.
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