Thread: Windy SD bay
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Old 07-21-2018, 07:55 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 112
Windy SD bay

Evening Fishing family. FishinMike And I went out this morning. Got on the water in the shelter Island yacht basin just at sun up. Water was warm slight breeze from the west. Perfect day for fishing. Went out to fish the Lower Range marker and got a couple small spotties. Fishinmike fished the area near the pier. Went out deeper in the harbor cut some bigger spotties. Current is moving at a decent rate so I drifted out to the bait barge. Caught a lot of Macks. Wind picked up a lot so we made our way back to the lower range marker area. Wind made it difficult to stay on point. Finally called it a day. Good day.

Final count:
Fishinmike 12 spotties, 1 sandie, 10 Macks
Bubbacee: 16 spotties, 11 Macks, 1 sandie, 2 Lizzie’s.

We both caught a few foot longs in the group.
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