Back in the day when everybody paddled everyone was happy...then hobie came along and introduced the mirage drive. Everybody laughed and thought it was the stupidest thing in the world. Then one by one many die hard paddlers switched over, and all of a sudden the mirage drive wasn't a joke anymore, it turned into a serious tool for a serious fishing machine. I remember having that same mentality before I bought my PA...I thought as many other people thought...your not a
REAL kayaker if you fish off of a hobie! Really.... WHO CARES! I was dumb.
So that being said...I was always against putting a motor on a kayak but after having used the Bixpy motor....just ONCE! I feel that this is where kayaking is going in the future. The amount of boost and extended range you could get out of one of these motors is an absolute game changer. Imagine being able to pedal and move at 5 knots or faster with minimal effort in conjunction with the bixby...I like the sound of that! This would put so many more far away spots in range for everyone...
Definitely, still having the use of your mirage drive is important! I don't think any amount of motor is going to replace the precision of a mirage drive. The rear mount that bixpy currently makes for the PA looks like it works looks like a lot of extra equipment that I really don't want to setup and break down everytime! Who know's I might buy one and try it out anyway...
Looking at the new Hobie Guardian kinda got me thinking... that they could potentially make in the next few years, a recess in the bottom of the hull for dropdown retractable Bixpy motor for the PA...How sweet would that be? I'd probably upgrade for that.