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Old 05-26-2018, 03:50 PM   #3
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Way to start off the report

I’ll put in my 2 cents. That was me on PA that launched at the same time as you. I fished hard till almost 18:00 and came up short . When I decided to head in, the dogs were hard on my six. Met another new face just as I was going in. After I packed up, I went back to launch to get some intel from him. He said he hooked up twice and was kelped. I’m leaning towards him being picked up by the dogs. On the other hand, I can testify to the fact that it did massively improve around 17:30. All morning long, as you know the bait was loosely free swimming. Towards dusk, things dramatically started to change. Every bait ball I saw was packed up and being hounded. Catching never happened, but having the water to ourselves is a sure blessing. The sun only reared it’s head a few times and quickly retreated. The Jewel ain’t ready to give it up so easily, just yet. Tight lines.
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