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Old 05-24-2018, 02:31 AM   #11
Sea Hunter
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Excellent footage......thanks for sharing

I had a hammerhead attack me on my Malibu double.
I sailed in with three yellowtail laying cross/hatched midway on my deck, because the three hatches i had were to small to get them below deck. I just happened to look over my shoulder after dropping my sail outside the surfline and I seen him coming. When it got close to the yellowtail I karate chopped it with my sail paddle that got it excited swimming circle. La Jolla kayak pulled a woman swimmers out of the water it came back to me again and I karate chopped it again waiting for the low between surf and then heading in.if I had been farther out I would have had to give it a YT,since then i got a different kayak with a big hatch corba fish and scent tail coming back to the launch.later I heard that a hammerhead had been hanging around the launch it was el Nino 2015 I had 7 hammerhead encounters hooking and releasing 3
Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 05-24-2018 at 02:59 PM.
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