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Old 05-17-2018, 10:00 AM   #6
Mr. NiceGuy
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Originally Posted by Denis_Ruso View Post

Also hoping to keep it civil here. We're all adults.
1. That National Park Service article sounds way overmodulated to me, as a blanket PR-hype threat to everyone in general that they are bad-ass and they are going to bust you without mercy and crush you like a bug.

2. It sounds like the people they went after as alleged criminals were convicted as part of a plea bargain on charges much less than all the wild innuendo in the first half of the article.

3. If it was tried, convicted and punished, ... and therefore resolved several years ago, then why rehash this again now as a new blog trial and punishment based on gossip, NPS hype, propaganda and unfounded, non-legal speculation that was not part of the original conviction, sentence and punishment?

It's done. Stick a fork in it.

Put away your tar and feathers.

It's not your job to try to destroy his business now as a self-appointed SJW vigilante and executioner.

Focus your attention on improving your own life, mind your own business and let sleeping dogs lie.
Another ho-hum day in Paradise

Last edited by Mr. NiceGuy; 05-17-2018 at 10:17 AM.
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