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Old 03-26-2018, 12:47 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by dpricenator View Post
I have the conventional 2 speeds as well, but I want to be able to cast a mile. I'm afraid the whippy tip, on the rod I'm using, will just cause backlashes if I use any of the conventional reels I have. Plus this reel only weighs 18 oz.

I did not make it to the Del Mar show, but I stopped by at the Long Beach Show Sunday afternoon. I've watched you guys on Stoked on Fishing. The wife was in until she realized we would be fishing on the smaller boats. She wants a galley, and cushioned benches. Someday I'll make it out there with you guys. Always looks like a great trip.

The sport fishing or any boat longer than 34.5 feet is no longer allowed to fish in a very large area around the island.

When I was there, I took a cushion from the balcony and wrapped it in many layers of clean trash bags to use on the panga.
I am going back with Stoked on Fishing (depending on some pending issues) in July and taking a PFD/cushion with me.

If you are using braid with spinning reels there is a special one which reduces the wind knot and tip wrap ups.
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