Fished around Marina Del Rey today since my usual go to spots were too windy and swell-laden. It was my first time fishing outside of the breakwall on the kayak so my expecations for success weren't high. Nevertheless, I'd say today was a mission success. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
On the water at 0730. Off at 1330.

First fish. Legal Sandie on the dot. Prior to this guy I spent 2 hours looking for fish willing to bite.

After that first one I drifted off the spot only to have no additional takers so I continued to search eventually stumbling upon this 20" model. This guy fought hard, much harder than LB Sandies.

Released that Sandie, dropped back down and WHAM! WTF?!?! PB kayak calico?!?! I'll take it! 20"

Drifted, dropped back down, WHAM! 17". NICE! Eventually I lost the spot so more exploring was done.

Saw some marks, dropped down, WHAM!, First bite, WHAM!, Second fish hit, up comes up my PB calico taped out at 22" and with it a legal sandie on the other end of my jig.

Beautiful old fish.
I proceeded to get a few more calicos ending the day with 9 calicos, 5 sand bass, and a couple whitefish. The majority of the fish were released expect for a couple legal Sand Bass.

Life goals: My next upgrade, maybe in the next life.
I had fun.