Greetings all,
Its been a bit since I have posted anything, so I thought I would share a recent trip.
The launch was flat and glassy and the weather was mild with some decent fog and the moon was in a Waxing Gibbous phase. There was tuna crab scattered around, the water visibility was great and water temp was ~62°F.
I made half a dozen greenbacks fairly quickly and headed out.
In about ~75 ft of water I sent down one greenback on the dropper loop and flylined another behind the kayak. The bait on the bottom was getting a little spooked when all of the sudden the flyline started screaming.
I adjusted the drag on the flyline and reeled in the dropper loop. Right away I knew it was a yellow, based on the run and head shakes. The fish went straight for a nearby lobster pot and then we had a nice back and forth. After a couple solid runs, I buttoned down the drag and got the fish to color. A solid yellow wrapped in rope. I waited for my shot and sank the gaff.
After pulling the fish aboard, I noticed the hook was set through the mouth and next to the gil plate. I immediately bled and gutted the fish and threw it on the back of my Revo 16 and headed in.
I landed before 8am, took a couple pics and was home early to surprise the wife and kids.
The fished ended up at 32lbs after being bled and gutted. I pulled off some thick collars, cut some fresh chunks for dinner and vac/sealed the rest off.
Here is some
video action, if you'd like to watch!
Wishing everyone out there a healthy, happy and hopeful 2018!

Setup Details:
Rod - Lamiglas BL 6640C
6´6˝ 20-40 lb
Reel - Saltist 30
65 lb Braid to 40 lb Fluoro (SPRO Swivel)
2/0 Ringed J Hook
Bait: Pacific Mackerel "Greenback"