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Old 09-29-2017, 07:39 AM   #5
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Los Angeles
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I too would like to add my 2cnts if it is ok.
Just a reminder that as recreational angler, we are not allowed “traps” in southern California. I know you meant hoop net. Just wanted to make sure that you are not using crab traps that are allowed in northern California.
Jim’s seminars and his book are a great way to start.
You will need—Current season lobster card--about $10.00 this season. Be sure to fill it before dropping the nets except the catch number. Also use a new line when moving to different location listed on the card. Send it in after the season is over.
A lobster gauge, (5) hoop nets are allowed per person from boat or kayak per person. (10) Max per boat.
On pier only two are allowed. I like the Eclipse model since it collapses for transporting in my car. Ambush nets are easier to setup, but take a lot more space due to rigid (welded) construction.
I catch mackerel and bonito in summer and vacuum pack freeze for the bait.
If you going on kayak, Scotty puller is a great help to have.
I go to Catalina for my hooping from pier. I bought a kayak to go from mainland, but have not done it so far.
Lobster season is in fall and winter. It could get rough out there. They are rarely caught during light hours.
Good hunting.

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