Thread: El Capitan
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Old 09-20-2017, 06:04 AM   #13
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That is

Originally Posted by chris138 View Post
I don't think you will find too many real kayak fishers who are stoked to go cram onto a floating porta-poty and gaff every rat yellow that comes up. The cattle boat fishing experience is the polar opposite of what we love about fishing.

I'd rather chase schooly yt inshore all day or even calicos... than fish with a bunch of "salty crew" bro'ed out deckhands and regulars who are way too cool for school. They just bitter cause they can't get their heads right while they "fish".

What I found attractive about this boat. It is limited load. Needless to say, more money. And I will agree with you, once you have caught a yellow from a kayak nothing else compares. Running down rat yellows on a 3/4 day, no thanks. It is the end of the season and I really did have a blast doing something different. Also the fact that it has been nearly half a decade since my last tuna trip and large models off shore, I could not turn down the opportunity. No luck with any cows due to the fact that I was not in tune with what was going on. It did not take me long though. Pretty simple stuff. Belly hooked dine on some 50 flouro was a safe bet along with 500 yards of 80-100 lb. braid. I will give it a shot again next year if they appear in force. Until then I am gonna savor having something different on the table. Fresh poke bowls is how we have been preparing the fish and it is going quickly. As soon as I get my gear squared away, I will be back on water paddling. I'm really looking forward to fishing for some home guards. Tight lines everyone.
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