I get what you are saying. If it was a perfectly run industry then they would be a little more efficient. On boats with bigger loads should put each numbered fish bag in it's on brown sack so all of the angler's fish is in one bag together.
I can appreciate the fact that the crew is working hard and for some it's their first job learning the ropes but teaching isn't their best trait. They learn by sink or swim mentality.
I was out last week on an overnight and all I ended up with was a small skip jack. The boat was in constant move. We trolled until a hookup and the capt. would give us like 5 minutes to toss lures or bait for any stragglers and then WINDEM UP WERE MOVING. Instead of working the area a little to get them going.
Since I only had the one fish I was just going to take that one home a prepare it myself and told the crew to not filet my fish.
As they were collecting the galley and fish cleaning I hear my numbered called and I owe $7.00....For what? "Your fish" I didn't want my fish cleaned.
Are you kidding me?!? It's $7.00 to clean a skip jack. I could understand it if it were a bluefin or yellow but not a small skip jack.
I get it that they are working for their money but as a guy who runs a business I don't make all of my money on 1 sale it is made on multiple sales. So I felt pretty screwed on that one.
I know some of you will stick up for the boats and what they charge but I have a right to my opinion and I don't think it's fair to charge $7.00 for a skip jack especially after $215.00 on an overnight boat ride!