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Old 08-28-2017, 12:21 PM   #1
Sea Hunter
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La Jolla fish report Saturday 8/26/17 forgot my VFH radio.......

Flat com conditions at the launch, wind out of the north, current flowing south, made for a fast drift passed the point. Water temperature 71.Had to charge out bait rig was getting bit but no hookups, hooks we're rusted off. I tie my own flys with florcarbon and they last maybe 10 trips before the hook is rusted off. So I tie on another bait rig for only 1 green back and a dozen small Bonita released 4 at a time on my bait rig, after untangling it three times I give up trying to make bait because the Bonita are every where just to small to keep. I want to do some jig casting anyway with a used torium I picked up.only one 14in calico on a anchovy jig. I decided to put my only mackerel on my dropper loop I'm out passed the point in over a 100ft of water and lots of boats and kayaks, every direction, I'm not one to get close to any buddy I like my space. By now the current and wind are flowing the same south direction I'm off the big PB motel and decided to start heading back, my drift way faster than I once I started padding back I was slow trolling the same jig and mackerel on the dropper loop. I was back in the fleet of boats and only stopped one time to let my mackerel settle back down to the bottom and I got bit a 28in linkcod good thing I gaff it because the circle hook was barely hooked.the jig got hit once but didn't stay on.after the linkcod I'm thinking I'll try for some more bait with rig out I head for the launch I'm still around the corner my sail no use to me today the wind is out of the north it only works with a northwest, west and southwest wind, by the time I paddle around into the bay I decided I'm tired and don't want to deal with any more Bonita so I winded in only leaving one jig out I'm fully tried and heading in there's no body in front of me almost to the cove heading in all of the sudden a white 22ft center console pulls right in front of me trolling and stops....i yell that's it I'm done fishing, he say you have to wait and pulls away, i
wined in my jig to keep for tangling this guy. I'm mad....then all off the sudden another 22 light blue center console pulls up 20 ft in front of me trolling I yelled what the respect I see his jig lines hitting my sail mast I grabbed two lines and with my razor hook blade cut two lines. I hear him say he cut our lines....they follows me casting jigs at me I yelled what the f..k is your problem....i think these two boats are together....i pass another kayaker I ask the guy do you have a radio I said if this guy trys to run me over call the coast guard he lifted his radio shaking it like he got my back it over with by now I'm in the reserve. It happened so quick I didn't have time to open my hatch and grab my cell phone out of my dry box. If I wouldn't have forgot my radio I would have reported them to the coast guard. I feel like I was targeted this old salt ain't going to take any bullshit from anybody I got my divefins and can hold my breath and swim 150ft under water in one breath. I will be watching for these two boats for c.f. numbers no boaters etiquette what so ever.
And especially to the idiot that casted a jig at me your lucky you didn't hit me your ass would be going to jail on domestic violence charges...
Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 08-29-2017 at 06:47 AM.
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