Friday was a bit of an adventure.
Decided to try fly lining in the morning while simultaneously casting my flat fall. After about 45 minutes of trolling I cast out my flat fall and fell something heavy tugging on the line, almost like a big piece of carpet. Instead of reeling in the fly line I stupidly go on to fight the fish to try to get it into the kayak. Turns out to be a good sized, 22lbish, halibut on the other end with my flat fall snagged on its side. I tried to gaff the thing twice but every time I got close it would take off. The third attempt at gaffing it I notice that the halibut is now tangled in my fly line, not good, and when it takes off it simultaneously comes free from the flat fall and breaks the tip of my fly line rod...
I went to around the same spot I got hooked, dropped a dropper loop with a mac, and no more than 10 minutes later I got nailed.
This time I wasn't playing and after one missed gaff shot I decided just to grab the thing by the gills and pull it in the kayak.
Super stoked, first halibut off the kayak, biggest halibut I've ever caught, and also my personal best fish off the kayak.
31 LBS and 41 3/8".
P.s. Where is the best place for rod repair in SD?

