Thread: 8-16 El Dorado
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Old 08-16-2017, 09:42 PM   #1
Paddle for Mahi
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Doing the happy paddle!
Posts: 849
8-16 El Dorado

I launched at gray light at Dana Point with two salty dogs.

Our goal was to search and destroy the elusive mahi-mahi.

After picking up a kayak scoop of hearty sardines from the good fellows at Everingham Bros., we headed south west searching for kelp paddies.

After traveling seven miles south-west it was slim pickings and time to start heading back. The young eyes spotted two nice paddies but no one was home.

As we ventured north I spotted an 18" ball of eelgrass. It was almost too small to attract attention. But, there was bait under it!

As we trolled past my sardine gets zinged and then picked up. The fish makes a strong lateral run which ends with a spectacular fluorescent blue aerial jump.

Quick action by a fellow kayaker diverts an tangled disaster.

As I'm fighting the fish a heavy sea lion moves in for an easy meal. He grabs the dorado and sounds. I hammer down the drag and pull hard. The fish is ripped free and I finally get to stick my first kayak dorado

Crazy long happy paddle back to the harbor.

Fun day!!

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