Originally Posted by Deamon
Really Eric...YOU, lol? If you really want to hear my...my "motivation"...I bug and fish with this dude, many times in the dark. He's a big dude...as in "guns" but he's got some skinny ass legs, lol. Anyways, I have to be cool cause at any time...at any moment...he could grab me, twist me around like...like Gumby and ruin me FOREVER. And I just don't want that to happen...cool Beatch? Jim 
Alright alright, caves are all based off genetics which I wasn't gifted with!

I do still in fact train legs twice a week but these fucking calves just don't wanna grow, so I was thinking of injecting them with some fresh LJ salt water!
As for the gun show man, that's from all the fish I be catching in La Jolla, some shared with y'all and some not! Haha I don't want people stalking me like they were doing to Mr. Deamon, following him out on the water and such!