Originally Posted by King Saba
On his doorstep! It's in the title! Geez. 
LOL! Basically, anywhere in LA County could be considered at my doorstep. What I will divulge is that there's more bait in the water than I've ever seen. I ran across at least 10 large bait balls with lots of bonito blowing up on them. I didn't have my FF so couldn't tell you if there were any yellows on it. Also had a school of grunion blow up in front of me. With the grunion running this week and the amount of bait in the water and good tides, its time to hit the water guys!!
"It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live"
Marcus Aurelius
Last edited by Druko; 07-11-2017 at 08:06 AM.