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Old 07-04-2017, 10:36 AM   #6
Mr. NiceGuy
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Originally Posted by Pescador Paul View Post

What about tides? Is it best on an incoming or falling tide?

Personally, I think the best time to fish is whenever I can fit it into my schedule. There is always someplace to go and different kinds of fish to look for under different conditions.

There are many variables, so this is my own priority policy:

1. go fishing

2. watch Tides4Fishing for bay fishing and ponder it's relevance while I'm fishing.

3. explore many locations and situations, tackle and techniques

There are "rules" and rules to be broken.

"A rising tide is better"

"Fish under bridges"

"Fish between the two bridges"

"A fast moving tide is better"

Full moon, no moon, etc., ???

Halibut are reputed to be more active during the slack times, but I have caught them during non-slack times

Corvina are reputed to bite at sunrise, sunset and during the night. I have caught them in the middle of the day.

Closer to the mouth of the bay, the incoming tide might be relevant.

At the south end of the bay there is more water to work over the weeds during high tides and I prefer fishing the egress.

Churned up water during a fast moving tide can be full of debris in some places that is a nuisance. Other locations might be free of debris.

Variables to explore, techniques and places to explore are almost never ending. It's all fun.

This big single important fishing rule is pretty steady: "It depends"

Locations, tackle and techniques evolve over time.

We will all find ideas, locations and techniques that work for us during that particular season. What others might think or do varies widely.

People say lots of things. Lots of it is regurgitated hearsay by people who don't understand first hand what they are parroting. Others have accumulated vast knowledge. Some of them share; others not so much. We have to sort it out for ourselves.

I prefer to explore any idea that makes me curious, then learn from my own experimentation. I like the process of going through learning curves. There are many variables and many permutations. Like finding a perfect steak and a delicious bottle of wine -- the search always continues.

I think that anytime is a good time to go fishing. My questions when I go are where, how and why. I have other reasons for fishing, beyond catching fish. I like to learn. I like the exercise. I like the fresh air and private time. I like the solace and escape from other things I'm supposed to be doing. I like the escape from work and my daily routine. I prefer to target fish I want to eat and I try to avoid those I don't.

Altogether, it's a pretty enjoyable hobby.

If it suits you, drink beer
Another ho-hum day in Paradise

Last edited by Mr. NiceGuy; 07-04-2017 at 10:10 PM.
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