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Old 07-03-2017, 04:06 PM   #3
Mr. NiceGuy
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Depending on what kind of fish you are looking for, try the entry to both marina's at each end of Shelter Island. Along Shelter Island is a rapid dropoff into the channel, from just a few feet beyond where the boats are moored near the launch area.

If you are fishing around the entry to Shelter Island Yacht Basin, try fishing around the bait barge. They don't mind as long as you don't climb on the barges or get in the way of boats coming in to buy bait. I'm sure about that because I once asked them about their thoughts on people fishing there. No problem.

Another place to explore is straight across the channel from your launch point, both sides of the Navy Pier, all the way out to the end of Zuniga jetty.

Entry to the marina near the Coast Guard station east of Harbor Island sometime produces. Try fishing along the dropoff. It's straight off the continuation line of Harbor Island across the mouth of the marina.

If you want bass, almost anywhere along the Shelter Island and Harbor Island you can cast toward the rocks with plastics. Bass are all over the place, particularly along the shores, rocks and eel grass.

Hm. Add that to "under boats in the marinas" from the post above and I think we just named everywhere around Shelter Island, LOL.

That entire area is beautiful and enjoyable to explore, especially when the water is rough in La Jolla. If you like craft beer and a snack after a hard day over a hot pole, try the small restaurant on the Shelter Island Pier. It's called Fathom Bistro. Their beer selection is great. Good beer food too. Homemade sausage.
Another ho-hum day in Paradise

Last edited by Mr. NiceGuy; 07-03-2017 at 04:36 PM.
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